3 Workshops: Making Your Good Marriage Great!
Do you know how stress disturbs our equilibrium? Facing a momentarily crisis (e.g. being yelled at), our automatic survival instincts (e.g. fight or flight) kick in.
After every stress event, our body and mind need a chance to rest and recover. We cool down and return to normal. But too many stressful events, one after another, or having too much pressure can knock us off balance when we don't have adequate time for recovery.
Have you heard, "Being crazy means doing the same thing again and again while expecting different result"?
Marital life can be stressful. Understanding the reflex reaction of each other and its triggers is the first step of "Making Your Good Marriage Great!"
Three workshops (in three different languages) of the above title will be presented on three Sundays at 2-4 p.m. in San Jose, so mark your calendar:
9/23/12 (English)
10/14/12 (Mandarin)
11/18/12 (Cantonese)
All workshops will be presented at
10/14/12 (Mandarin)
11/18/12 (Cantonese)
All workshops will be presented at
Friendship Agape Church
5150 Camden Avenue, San Jose, CA 95124
Register online at http://www.friendshipagape.com/great.htm
5150 Camden Avenue, San Jose, CA 95124
Register online at http://www.friendshipagape.com/great.htm