Give Thanks in All Circumstances
“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).
Life is not easy. Bible verses such as the above are not commands being forced upon us. They are reminders that as new creation in Christ, we can live differently. With the Holy Spirit living in us, we have a choice, moment by moment, to live out who we really are – the daughters and sons of God the Father.
“What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31)
Remember the story of Joseph (Genesis 37-50)? If you were his brothers who sold him to Egypt into slavery, wouldn’t you be scared to death after your father Jacob passed away? Joseph’s brothers wished they could pay back as slaves.
But Joseph said to them, “Don’t be afraid. Am I in the place of God? You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. So then, don’t be afraid. I will provide for you and your children.” And he reassured them and spoke kindly to them. (Genesis 50:19-21)
Joseph was mistreated by men. That’s an understatement. But God was always with him. In all situations Joseph kept his faith and relied on God. He focused on God, not circumstances. I have friends who are modern day examples. A sister who has been fighting cancer for many years praises the Lord from her heart in and out of hospital. A brother who has one lung transplant signs every e-mail “grateful for every breath I take.”
I have to admit that 2011 was not easy for me. To share all twists and turns, I have to write a book. There were emotional ups and downs. But feelings could be deceiving. At the end, I am grateful.
One challenge for me in the last year and a half was frequent traveling with James for ministries. Sometimes I felt so tired physically that I did not want to go. Other times I got stressed out by small stuff such as not being able to take a shower. However, as I traveled to different cities in Europe, Asia and the States with James and co-workers, I realize how blessed we are. No more taking things for granted. Nowadays I give thanks whenever I take a shower, even at home.
Other than reading the word of God, praying, talking with friends and family, singing, and walking, one thing that helps me deal with stress is writing. I feel relieved when I write down my feelings, thoughts, needs, wishes and praises.
One of my Chinese articles, entitled “Walking with our Lord to the Ends of the World” was published in Herald Monthly recently. It began with lyrics from one of my favorite Mandarin songs, “Walking with You” by Zheng KaiXian and Yu YuanChun of New Heart Music Ministry. The lyrics in Chinese are beautiful. Here is my English translation.
"In the long journey of life, it is hard to grasp our ups and downs! Treading calm and stable water, or experiencing storms, how could I go through my days without relying on the Grace of God? … The grace of my Lord is sufficient for me. It is not a mistake to obediently follow His lead. May all praises belong to my Lord and my God. You are my strong protection, please hide me in you. May I walk through this life in your embrace.”
In the article I wrote about circumstances under which James and I reunited with our son, his wife and their daughter, and welcomed our new grandson to the world. Although they departed for Africa when the baby was merely a month old, I am forever grateful for the time we spent together in January and February. With technology, we have been able to Skype almost weekly when we were not traveling. Life is full of unknown and surprises. It is good to know that God holds our future! Thank you Lord!
If you can read Chinese, please read my article at
For English, read a similar (but not identical) article at
How have you been in 2011? Can you count some blessings? Let me know what you are grateful for and how I could pray for you.
If you send a brief e-mail to by the end of Wednesday, November 23, 2011, your name will be entered into a drawing to win a F*R*E*E* 50-minute face-to-face consultation in my Fremont or Los Altos office. Your identity and information will be kept confidential.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
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Winnis Chiang, LMFT and Founder of, specializes in helping Mandarin- and Cantonese-speaking high-tech Christian parents to get along with, enjoy, influence and equip their American-born Chinese children.